In the beginning...

Hi there, and welcome to my blog! I'm Sam. By day (and some nights and weekends) I'm an overworked junior doctor, but in my spare time I love indulging in writing and drawing.

Indigo Lightning is a place where you can enjoy the various creative works I have an offer. Browse through my art, read a fanfic or two, or even delve into my novels!

Chronicles of Azaria Series:
The Binding (YA Fantasy Romance)

What do you do when you can't trust your heart?

All seventeen year-old Eliza Bryant wants is to avoid a Binding— the ancient spell that forces couples into a lifelong bond. It cursed her sister, and for the last two years it’s tried to claim her, too. Her monthly hiding ritual worked brilliantly, until the night she ran into Ryan, a mysterious bounty-hunter. Now Bound to him, Eliza must spend every moment at his side, else she’ll transform into an Unbound; a lifeless husk without mind or soul.

Unfortunately, Ryan’s not looking to settle, and Eliza is dragged into his crazy life on the run. Still, she’s not going to take this lying down. Between grappling with the false feelings conjured by the spell and fleeing an unseen enemy, she plans to find a way break her Binding; a feat nobody’s achieved in two thousand years. The key to her freedom lies closer than she thinks, and it’s deeply connected to Ryan’s past.

Timeless Series Novels
Trappings of the Heart
Another attack by the Trezes splits Callon and Cheyenne from Colt and Daniel. Will they survive the wilderness alone?


Forced to accept the new changes in her life, Cheyenne thinks about her circumstances and her protectors, and wonders if there's more to Callon's behaviour than meets the eye.

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn

When Twilight Greets the Dawn, or the Reason Why Sothe Wears a Thigh Armour Plate
After the events of Path of Radiance, Sothe returns to a very different Daein. Although resistant to the new regime, a chance enounter leads Sothe to believe that there is still hope for his beloved Nevassa, in the form of a group called the Dawn Brigade.

Companions Quartet

The Leviathan's Lair
Left alone for the summer holidays, Connie thinks about her Universal responsibilities, when she is suddenly struck by a strange affliction; one that could be her undoing as she prepares to face a mythical creature long thought extinct by the Society...

The Pegasus Prince
Col’s having a bad time lately. First Mrs. Clamworthy has a fall and is admitted to the hospital, then he messes up his Society exams, and to top it off he has a serious row with Connie. Pushed into the depths of despair, Col is unknowingly falling deeper and deeper under the spell of an evil long locked away. Can Connie break the hold of the dark pegasus Stormbolt as he tries to win Col’s mind?

Original work and fanart can be seen on my deviantart page

New artwork!