Encyclopaedia Azaria #3: The Gladier-Farrontine Feud

Welcome to the third installment of Eliza's Encyclopaedia Azaria! Each edition, Eliza and her friends will delved into the vast and ancient kingdom of Azaria and tell you a multitude of interesting facts.

This time, Eliza takes a look at one of Azaria's most violent blood feuds in its history...

[transcript of animation]

Eliza: It's that time of month again!

Ryan: Um Eliza, you could have phrased that better.

Eliza: Oh grow up...ahem, anyway, this time we're going to look at a historical account of one of Azaria's bloodiest feuds. I'm talking of course about the Gladier/ Farrontine feud. To be honest I don't really know much about it, so I brought in my resident expert.

Ryan: That would be me, right?

Eliza: *blush* Y-Yes...grr, stupid curse...anyway, it's all yours, Ryan.

Ryan: Hi everyone, I'm here to tell you about the most famous of Azaria's historic feuds. It involves House Gladier and House Farrontine, the only two noble houses who haven't survived since their founding. Navinka will tell you more about the other Houses later.

Eliza: *shifty glance* So looking forward to it...not.

Ryan: Anyway, let's go back some centuries. At this time Azaria wasn't united as the single kingdom we know today. It was split into the kingdoms of Azaria to the east and Esturia to the west. A terrible war befell the two countries, with Azaria being the eventual victor. House Farrontine and House Gladier, both of Azaria, decided to share rule of the new united kingdom by having alternate descendants take the throne. The only conditions was that there could be no relationships developed between the families.

Eliza: This sounds familiar...

Ryan: Right. But of course that was never going to last. Leanne Farrontine fell into a river whilst riding one day, where Romano Gladier saved her life. Knowing the taboo between their families, they started to see each other in secret. It was a dangerous game they played, and eventually they were betrayed and caught.

Eliza: Way way WAY too familiar...are you sure you're not talking about the Tale of the Binding?

Ryan: I suppose they might be a little similar...*shrug*

Eliza: Hmm...

Ryan: After they were discovered, their families forced them apart. Leanne was then forced to marry another lord, as she was due to become the next Queen. When Romano found out, he thought Leanne had betrayed him and flew into a rage, killing her younger brother. This led to generations of murders, assassinations and 'accidents', until both lines were completely slaughtered.

Eliza: It's not quite as happy as the Tale of the Binding, is it?

Ryan: Sure isn't. After the demise of the last Gladier, House Kinslet became the royal house, and they're still on the throne to this day. Almost nothing remains of the two noble families, except the Gladier seals at the Goddess Shrines and a few Farrontine relics in the Viens museum.

Eliza: Two whole families wiped out because of a misunderstanding? That's really quite depressing.

Ryan: Sorry to end on such a downer.

Eliza: Well, that's life sometimes, and...*overwhelmed by sudden urge, throws arms around Ryan* HEY!

Ryan: Let me guess, the Binding?

Eliza: *whimper* I hate my life...

Encyclopaedia Azaria #1: The Iasometer

Encyclopaedia Azaria #2: The Tale of the Binding

Encyclopaedia Azaria #4: The Binding Spell

Encyclopaedia Azaria #5: The Noble Houses of Azaria

Encyclopaedia Azaria #6: The Goddess Shrines


Encyclopaedia Azaria #4: The Binding Spell


The Parting- official release!