Lisa's Summer Reads Blog Tour 2014- Will Macmillan Jones

Summer Reads Blog Tour - Week Four, Welcome Will Macmillian Jones!

Reblogged from This summer she's hosting a fantastic summer reads blog tour, where authors get to share their favourite reads! So you might just find your next favourite book. She's also hosting a fab giveaway with some awesome prizes, so enter to win (link at the bottom of the post).

Well, week four of the Summer Reads Blog Tour brings us a dear friend and fellow author, Will Macmillian Jones. Will's the comedic act in our group with his dry sense of humor, I can't help but smile when I read his posts or chat away in a lively conversation. Will Macmillan Jones lives in Wales, a lovely green, verdant land with a rich cultural heritage. He does his best to support this heritage by drinking the local beer and shouting loud encouragement whenever International Rugby is on the TV. A fifty something lover of blues, rock and jazz he has just fulfilled a lifetime ambition by filling an entire wall of his home office with (full) bookcases. His major comic fantasy series, released by Safkhet Publishing, can be found at: and information on his other work and stuff in general at :
Here are some of Will's favorite reads:

Will's bookshelf: summer-reads-blog-2014

A Long Way Down
5 of 5 stars
tagged: summer-reads-blog-2014
The Weirdstone of Brisingamen
5 of 5 stars
tagged: summer-reads-blog-2014
The Iron Hand of Mars
5 of 5 stars
This was the first of the Falco series I came across in a bookshop, and bought it on impulse. Subsequently I've invested in all the series, but this is still perhaps my favourite. Davis' descriptions of the Ancient World are vivid and ...
tagged: summer-reads-blog-2014

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