Lisa's Summer Reads Blog Tour 2014- Lisa Wiedmeier

This is a guest post from my good friend and fellow author Lisa L Wiedmeier. This summer she's hosting a fantastic summer reads blog tour, where authors get to share their favourite reads! So you might just find your next favourite book. She's also hosting a fab giveaway with some awesome prizes, so enter to win (link at the bottom of the post)

So, over to Lisa...

I'm so excited I can hardly contain myself!! Sam, Carrie and I wanted to provide for you, my avid readers, a way to not only meet new authors, but also books you might not have seen or heard about. A way to expand your reading list for the summer. Over the next 13 weeks, I've asked various authors I know to come share not only about themselves and their books, but to also share five books that they'd recommend you take a peek at. There's going to be a wide range of genre to choose from, so there should be something for everyone. So not only are you going to meet new authors, and hear about new books, but the exciting part is there's going to be giveaways!! You've got 13 weeks to enter, and 13 weeks to share these new reads with your family and friends. I encourage you to tweet, share on Facebook, Google+, and any other social media site you want to get the word out and have others join in on the fun!

So here goes...

Since I'm the host, I'm going first. Most of you already know me, but I'll share just a little bit for those that are new. I love hiking, camping, watching my boys fish and taking long walks with my Alaskan sled Labs, Taylor and Mandi. lol, okay, they're not Alaskan sled Labs, but that's what I call them when I use the dual harness to walk them, it's quite comical. I've got a kindle chocked full of reads that I want to tackle over the summer, but I wanted to share with you some of my favorites.

Lisa's bookshelf: summer-reads-blog-2014

Beyond the Highland Mist
4 of 5 stars
I love Karen Moning's Highlander Series-love them. I'm a romance junkie, so that's probably why, but I also think it's the fact that Karen weaves romance & plot so very well. I also love the fact that I can pick up any of these books and...
tagged: summer-reads-blog-2014
The Binding
4 of 5 stars
What can I say but "wow". Once again Sam has shown talent in telling a tale with wit and witty comments that bring a smile to my face. I love Eliza's sassy attitude, and yet the realization of what is taking place and how she choses to f...
tagged: summer-reads-blog-2014
4 of 5 stars
I stumbled upon Abby Niles work when looking for a new read on Amazon. It was an adult romance, which I'm fond of, but it was about shifters which typically isn't what I'd pick up first. I know this sounds funny coming from me, since I w...
tagged: summer-reads-blog-2014
The Governess 1
4 of 5 stars
I had the pleasure of reading The Governess when it was still in its draft form and loved it then, as I love it now. If you want romance that's clean and heartfelt, then this is the read for you.I love Ellise's style as you're easily s...
tagged: summer-reads-blog-2014
The Claiming Words
4 of 5 stars
I was given the privilege to read Tricia's work when it was still in its draft stage, I loved it then and I love it even better now. Tricia's style of writing is smooth and flows very well. I find myself disappearing inside her work and ...
tagged: summer-reads-blog-2014

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Lisa's Summer Reads Blog Tour 2014- Sam Dogra


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