My Top Five Trusted Medical Websites (For Patients)

Hi there! Today's topic is delving into the medicine side, and I'm going to recommend some validated medical websites.

There's an ocean of medical information out there on the internet, but it can be hard to tell which ones are genuine and which ones are pushing dodgy products. Especially in this climate of fake news and social media virality, it can be difficult to know whether you can trust what you're reading.

So there are my top five trusted medical websites:

1. (

This is an excellent resource for both patients and healthcareworkers, as it contains information on almost all conditions and several medications. It also now has videos and other media to complement its detailed writing. I tend to always get my information leaflets from here.

2. NHS  (

The NHS website is also quite comprehensive and very easy to access, and is kept quite up to date. It's not as detailed as in places but its structure is more user-friendly.

3. Lab Tests Online (

Want to know what your tests mean, why they were requested, what does a positive or negative result mean? This website is fantastic in explaining test results of all sorts (bloods results, swabs) and provides information in a simple to understand format.

4. Arthritis Research UK (

I love the resources this charity provides for musculoskeletal disorders. At medical school their examination methods was invaluable, and I love their exercise sheets. They also have excellent information booklets and provide a charity helpline.

5. Live Well With Pain (

Chronic pain is growing burden and not well understood, though our ideas about it have changed quite a bit over the last few years, with a move away from harmful opiate medication and more focus on restoring function. This website is for both healthcare professionals and patients and provides some great tips and explanations for the condition.

So there are five trusted medical sites I recommend to patients- do you have any to add?


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